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ALEXANDRA : Good afternoon everybody. today is Jan 26, 2013 and I am Alexandra Meaders of Galacticconnection.com. If you’ve not already discovered my web-site, please check out the daily blog at Galacticconnection.com/daily-blog. You will find an on-line library of a multitude of links and endless articles and news on everything from archeology, history ,space, and the financial system to astrology, spirituality, quantum physics and more. The ultimate goal is to provide a one-stop hub on the daily pulse of the planet’s progress. You will typically see headline news through an inspirational lens reminding us that humanity is successfully breaking the chains from the old matrix. Yea. Today I thought I would do a brief interview with our infamous guest, Cobra to discuss an infamous subject near and dear to us, the Moon.
ALEXANDRA:下午好。今天是2013年1月26日,我是來自Galacticconnection.com的負責人,Alexandra Meaders。如果你尚未對我的網站有所了解,可登陸到Galacticconnection.com,在daily-blog頻道上去閱讀每日更新的博客。你會發現一個在線文庫,其包括大量連結;另外,你也會看到數不盡的,包羅萬像的文章和新聞,涵蓋考古、歷史、太空、金融、占星學、靈性、量子物理等。我們的根本目標是,通過一站式服務方式,為大家提供目前行星地球進展的每日情況說明。透過這個鼓舞人心的透鏡,你會看到一些頭條新聞,提醒著我們,人類正成功掙脫舊有矩陣的枷鎖。是的,在今天,我想我會與著名的COBRA做一次簡要的訪談,討論一個與我們息息相關,但惡名昭彰的天體,那就是月球。
ALEXANDRA:Every night we look up and marvel at the brilliance and beauty of our moon. There is still such a mystery. With a plethora of data flying around the internet, what is the moon really? Is it a projection from our planet millions of years ago. Now Cobra, what I thought we could talk about today is the ramifications of the moon on our lives. It’s been such a mystery and it is our largest object in our sky. I thought in tribute to the full moon in Leo yesterday , we can talk about what the moon really is.
Cobra : OK. First of all I would like to say the moon is a natural object. It’s not a visual that some people are saying.
Cobra: 好的。首先,我會說,月球是一個自然天體,而不是如某些人所說的樣子。
ALEXANDRA: OK that’s interesting because there’s all these rumors; whether it’s a spaceship or a fragment that was propelled off the earth.
ALEXANDRA: 好的,這很有趣,因為有那麼多流言蜚語,關於它是否是一艘飛船,或是自地球分離崩發出的碎片。
COBRA: When the solar system was formed the moon and earth were part of one body and they actually separated and now they are part of the same energy system. The moon is actually a kind of an energy lens that directs the feminine energy to this planet .
COBRA: 太陽系形成之初,月球與地球曾是一體的。事實上,它們後來分離了,現在它們處於同一個能量系統中。實際上,月球是一種能量透鏡,將女性能量導向地球。
ALEXANDRA: Interesting. This plays a vital role of the goddess energy that is blanketing our planet right now.
ALEXANDRA: 非常有趣,對於覆蓋我們星球的女神能量來說,月球扮演者一個至關重要的角色。
COBRA: Yes. What was happening in the last 10 years, there was a big purification of the energy of the moon and it is now completely clear and pure. There are no more reptilian bases. There are no more reptilians. There is nothing of that nature. It is just a pure natural body of light. It is transmitting energy of the pure feminine principle to the planet. Each full moon is a wonderful location to connect with that energy.
COBRA: 確實, 在過去十年中發生了一些事情,月球經歷了一次比較大的能量淨化,現在它已完全純淨,上面已沒有爬蟲人的基地,也無爬蟲人,再也沒有什麼比現在更體現出月球的純淨本質。它僅僅是一個純淨的光的自然體,並將純粹女性本源能量傳送給地球。每一輪滿月都是與那能量連接的絕佳時機。
ALEXANDRA: Interesting. Prior to this happening was it strictly the reptilians that were dominating the moon?
 ALEXANDRA: 很有趣 。在此之前,月球是否由爬蟲人嚴密地統治著?
COBRA: They didn’t dominate the moon. There were some ET bases. It was a mixed influence. ET bases, some were positive and some were negative. There was a brief period when the reptilian race took over the moon for a few years in the late 90’​​s. Now it is completely cleared and now we have a very positive experience there . There were some Pliadian bases there and some bases of other positive civilizations there. What they are doing there is directing the flow of energy from the outskirts of the solar system towards the planet.
ALEXANDRA: Ahhh. You don’t see a lot of clear footage or pictures from the moon through NASA and facilities like that. What exactly are they hiding? Besides the ET life elsewhere?
ALEXANDRA: 嗯, 你沒有看到來自NASA或其它機構流傳出來的,關於月球的許多清晰的視頻和圖片。他們到底在隱瞞什麼?除了別處所掩蓋的外星生命以外?
COBRA: I will explain. The Apollo program was just the official public part of the US space program. Even the Apollo astronauts have seen and had contact with ET life while on the moon. Most of that was censored. Intel was not able to censor everything. Some of it leaked out to the public . Apart from that, NASA also had an unofficial secret space program. This unofficial secret space program has managed to put a man on the moon in the 50’s already. There were bases on the Moon and Mars in the 60’s already. They were only accessible to the Cabal. Then the resistance movement has cleared those bases in the late 90’​​s and the beginning of this century.
COBRA: 我會進行解釋。阿波羅計劃只是美國太空計劃中官方公布的部分。甚至,阿波羅宇航員在月球上已經看見並接觸了外星生命。大部分有關資料已被審查。但情報機構無法審查所有數據。其中的一些泄露到了公眾之中。除此之外,NASA也設有一項非官方的秘密太空計劃。這項非官方秘密太空計劃在50年代就已設法將讓一位人類登上月球。在60年代時,已經在月球和火星上設有基地了。只有陰謀集團可以使用它們。然而,在90年代後期及21世紀初,抵抗運動已經清除了那裡的基地。
ALEXANDRA: Well, that’s great news. Considering how close it is to our planet. Is there a full blown civilization there and full blown city there? When you say a multitude of bases, how many are we talking bout?
ALEXANDRA: 哇哦,這是個好消息。想想看,月球離我們的星球有多近。那裡是否布滿了文明與城市遺跡?你提及到有許多基地,到底有多少呢?
COBRA: Not so many, a few dozen. Because dual civilizations have a capacity to locate their Mother ships in the earth’s orbit or wherever they put them, so there is no need for a multitude to form bases at this moment.
COBRA: 不是那麼多,有幾十個吧。因為有兩個星際文明有能力將他們的母船停泊於地球軌道或其它任何地方,所以此刻沒有必要在月球上建立太多基地了。
ALEXANDRA: OK. Is it true that the moon was one of THE the specific key elements for the electronic fence that was around the earth?
COBRA: At a certain point in time there were many __?_ or implantation station. Much of the machinery for the veil was located near these ____ points (faberaje points). They were special points between the earth and the moon where the gravity influence between the earth and the moon were the same. The control forces were using those special points to control the energy field around the planet. Of course these are gone now.
COBRA: 在某個時間點,曾經有許多??或輸入站。許多”帷幕”體系機構都設置在這些地點附近(斐波那契點)。它們是地球和月球之間的一些特殊點,在那裡,地月之間的引力效應是一樣的。控制這些特殊點的勢力,用它們來控制地球周圍的能量場。當然,現在它們已經不存在了。
ALEXANDRA: Oh wow. That’s interesting. I think that’s the first I’ve ever heard of that. Thank you for that. I heard and read we were extracting titanium and other resources from the moon. Can you expound on that?
ALEXANDRA: 哇哦。非常有趣。這是我第一次聽說,非常謝謝。我了解到,我們從月球提取鈦和其他資源。你能詳細說明一下嗎?
COBRA: Yes, there are many so called rare minerals and rare metals on the moon. The cabal doesn’t have access to them any longer. You can find elsewhere in the solar system, very rare metals and minerals in large quantities. You can find large diamonds in the asteroid belt. You can find a lot of gold elsewhere in the solar system. What we consider is rare on this planet is not so rare elsewhere.
 COBRA: 是的,月球上有許多所稱作的稀有礦物和稀有金屬。現在陰謀集團再也沒有使用它們的權利了。你可以在太陽系的其它地方找到大量的極其稀有的礦物和金屬。你可以在小行星帶找到巨型鑽石。你可以在太陽系的其他地方找到許多金礦。在地球上我們認為稀有的東西,在其它地方並不一定稀有。
ALEXANDRA: Interesting. You had stated in the notes that I had typed up for you that the Apollo mission was only successful one time. We only landed on the moon once? Please clarify.
 ALEXANDRA: 很有趣。你曾經記錄說,我為你的說法出過稿件,就是關於阿波羅任務只成功了一次。我們只登陸過月球一次嗎?請為我們闡明下。
COBRA: No, no not true. (no?) Apollo 11 – 17 . there were 6 successful apollo missions.
 COBRA:不,不是這樣。 (ALEXANDRA:不是?)阿波羅11號-17號都登陸過月球。有6次成功的阿波羅任務執行。
ALEXANDRA: I just wanted clarification on that. Somebody had brought that up. You’re saying the Piladians are primarily living there and using it as a base and using it as a civilization. Are there other civilizations there?
COBRA: There are other civilizations using those bases. Those bases are not so important now. The focus is not the moon but on this planet. Most of those beings, those innovations have the mothership positioned high above earth’s orbit on those strategic points.
COBRA: 有其它文明使用著那些基地。但那些基地現在並不是那麼重要。現在應聚焦於這顆星球(地球),而不是月球。大多數存有,及那些創新者已經將母船放置於地球的軌道,放置在那些戰略要點上。
ALEXANDRA: OK. how did they regain control of the moon?
ALEXANDRA: 好的。他們是如何重新獲取對月球的控制權呢?
COBRA: The resistance movement inside the solar system was progressing towards the planet. There were many battles in the asteroid belt, on Mars and also the Moon and they just cleared completely all the reptilian warriors and all the other races. There were some physical battles going on. These were about 10-15 years ago.
ALEXANDRA: Were those physical battles something we can understand?
ALEXANDRA: 關於那些物質層面的戰爭,我們是否能夠理解?
COBRA: Yes, quite similar to the wars on this planet still. It’s simply that the cabal was driven out of those strategic points. The Cabal had a strong influence of Mars & the Moon in the late 90’​​s and they lost that.
COBRA: 是的,和這顆星球上仍然存在的戰爭十分相似。簡單地說,是陰謀集團被從那些戰略點給驅趕出去了。在90年代後期,陰謀集團曾在火星和月球上有著強大的勢力,但現在他們失去了。
ALEXANDRA: On your blog a long time ago, there were so many specifics on Planet X, back in April 2012. Do you have that type of information on the moon?
ALEXANDRA: 很久之前在你的博客上,有許多關於X行星的詳細描述,我們可以回到2012年4月時你寫過的博客。你是否有類似那樣關於月球的資料呢?
COBRA: There is so much info on the moon. Every scientists, every astronamer has it because it is very close to the earth. Scientists have measured the position of the moon, the orbit of the moon, the characteristics. Most of the moon information is in public domain right now.
ALEXANDRA: OK. I thought there would be something covertly tucked away.
ALEXANDRA: 好的,我一直以為有一些機密的東西被隱瞞起來,並在內部共享使用。
COBRA: No. That was in the past.
COBRA: 不是,那是曾經的做法。
ALEXANDRA: The shard on the moon? There was some leakage from NASA. Have you heard about these massive towers on the moon?
ALEXANDRA: 關於月球上尖狀建築物體是什麼?從NASA泄露出了一些這方面的信息。你是否有聽說過月球上存在大量的尖塔呢?
COBRA: Oh yes. There were some photo’s of certain objects on the moon. There is much that has not yet been revealed.
COBRA: 是的。有一些關於月球上某些物體的照片。還有大量的物體尚未被揭露。
ALEXANDRA: Are these just gigantic bases? How large are they?
ALEXANDRA: 它們是巨型基地嗎?它們有多大?
COBRA: Most of the bases are quite small. There are some large ones. There is not so much need for bases any longer.
COBRA: 多數基地的規模都是非常小的,也有規模很大的。現在,那些基地已不再被需要。
ALEXANDRA: I read something that the moon was acting like a ball and chain to the planet earth? As we ascend we will be released from the moon. What are your thoughts?
ALEXANDRA: 我曾讀到過,月球相對地球而言,猶如一個帶著鎖鏈的球?當我們揚升後,月球將離開我們。你是怎麼認為的?
COBRA: No. No. Not necessary. The moon is going through the same ascension process – the whole solar system is too as a result of the influence of the energies from the Galactic Central Sun. It is being transformed together.
COBRA: 不,不,那是不必要的。月球也處於同樣的揚升進程中,整個太陽系亦是這樣,這是由中央太陽的能量所影響的結果。月球將會一同轉變。
ALEXANDRA: I had read that too. I just thought I’d throw that out to you. You are agreeing that this is not a gigantic space ship or not a satellite?
ALEXANDRA: 我也讀到過這個信息。我只是認為應該由你來闡釋。你是否認同,月球不是一艘巨型飛船或一顆人造衛星?
COBRA: No – It’s a natural object.
COBRA: 是的,它是自然天體。
ALEXANDRA: Why at a full moon, is there more crime and suicide and people going crazy?
ALEXANDRA: 為什麼在滿月的時候,會有更高的犯罪率,自殺率,以及人們的行為會傾向瘋狂?
COBRA: Moon is acting as a transmitter of the energies of the feminine principle – the feminine principle is connected to the emotions. Emotions are triggered. Emotions that are suppressed are coming to the surface and people can get a little bit crazy at times.
COBRA: 月球正充當著傳送女性本源能量的角色,而女性本源與情緒相連。被壓制的情緒會經觸發而浮現出來,人們會時不時地變得有點瘋狂。
ALEXANDRA: Can you give us some astrological update on the Full moon in Loe – around yesterday 9:20.
ALEXANDRA: 你能否對昨天9:20左右獅子座滿月,給出一些占星學方面的更新?
COBRA: Yes. This is the first full moon of this year. It’s a beginning. It connects of Leo and Aquarius. The tension between individual and the collective. The energy of this full moon is bringing us into more awareness of our active role inside the society. The sig Aquariusis the sign of society. This is the first trigger point of this year, which will show us how can we as individuals can create a new society. This is a very good start of a new year.
COBRA: 好的。這是今年第一輪滿月。它是一個開端。它連接著獅子座與寶瓶座,(連接著)集體與個人之間的張力。這輪滿月的能量讓我們更加覺知到自己在社會中所扮演的活躍角色。寶瓶座社會的信號。這是今年的第一個觸發點,它會給我們展示,如何以個人身份來創建新社會。這是新年的一個非常好的開端。
ALEXANDRA: I like that. A good launching point. How do you feel about how everything else that is unfolding at this time? I haven’t talk to you in awhile. Just curious.
ALEXANDRA: 我也贊同,一個好的發起點。你對與此同時展開的其他活動有什麼看法?我很久未與你談話了,有些好奇。
COBRA: The first thing was the activati​​on of Dec 21st. This was a milestone. Very important one because we actually began a new cycle. The beginning of the new cycle is actually creating the plan. There are many things going in the background but almost nothing is reported. Simply because the plan is now in the early stages of being manifest. What you can read on most websites is just dis-info. The other side the cabal has sent lots of disinformation agents and they have managed to infiltrated a lot of this info right now. We will have to wait until this dust settles then I and other people will be able to release more intel.
ALEXANDRA: What is your perspective on the People’s Public Trust?.
ALEXANDRA: 你對民眾公共信托是如何看待的?
COBRA: Basically good people doing a good thing but I’m not expecting to manifest any tangible changes in the near future.
COBRA: 基本上是好人做善事,但我不期待在近期,能有任何現實的改變。
ALEXANDRA: Have you heard of David Wynn Miller? He’s phenomenal.
ALEXANDRA: 你是否聽說過David Wynn Miller?他好像不同尋常。
COBRA: 是的。
ALEXANDRA: Kind of reminds me of that where he’s getting into a different language and nomenclature.
ALEXANDRA: 這提醒了我,他正深入研究一種不同尋常的語言和命名。
COBRA: Different and interesting perspective of things. Yes.
COBRA: 事物的不同及有趣的一面。是這樣的。
ALEXANDRA: How well are you preparing for the London conference? Anything to talk about?
ALEXANDRA: 你對倫敦會議准備的如何了?有什麼可以告訴我們的嗎?
COBRA: We have managed to get a location – I have just announced. London Conference on my blog. I would like to invite everyone listening to join us for this conference. It’s a fresh new start after the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new cycle. Most likely I will be able to start releasing intel at the London conference.
COBRA: 我們一直在尋找地點,我剛剛在我的博客上公布了“倫敦會議”。我誠邀各位前來傾聽並參與我們。這是舊周期結束後的一​​個嶄新的開始,一個新周期的開端。很可能我會在倫敦會議上開始公布一些情報信息。
ALEXANDRA: You said you were going to be releasing some new intel. (Yes, yes)
I have to say after attending your conference in November, it was one of the best ones I’ve attended. Especially because the synergy and the connection with the people.
ALEXANDRA:你說你會公布一些新的情報吧? (COBRA: 是的。)我不得不說,在參加了你在11月份召開的會議後,我認為那是我參加過的最棒的會議之一。特別是因為與人民的契合與溝通連接。
COBRA: Yes, the energy was phenomenal because so many people from diff backgrounds. We created a very very strong energy vortex together.
COBRA: 是的, 那個能量非常驚人。因為有很多不同背景的人參與。我們共同制造了一個非常非常強大的能量漩渦。
ALEXANDRA: Yes we really have, and I’m trying to keep that together. I feel like the Cobra’s of Laguna beach group was such a solid team.
ALEXANDRA: 是的,我們的確如此,我也正嘗試著共同保持它。我感覺COBRA的拉古納沙灘小組是一個非常可靠的團體。
COBRA: Because of this success we are creating another Laguna conference around the 25 of May – as you probably know the 25th of May 2013 is a very strong full moon in Taurus which will be one of the major energy breakthroughs of this year.
COBRA: 由於這次成功,我們正策劃著另一次拉古娜島會議,大約在5月25日左右。正如你所知,2013年5月25日是一次非常強大的金牛座滿月,它將會成為今年主要的能量突破之一。
ALEXANDRA: Yea! I read that. Also, what are you feeling is going on the end of Feb?
COBRA: Not anything special the end of Feb. I will just say that the first few months of the year are preparation for the energies of May.
COBRA: 2月底不會有什麼特殊的事情。我會說,今年的頭幾個月是為五月的能量做准備的。
ALEXANDRA: OK. If it happens it will be sometime in M​​ay, the turning point.
ALEXANDRA: 好的。如果有事發生,就會是在五月,在這個轉折點。
COBRA: This is one of the first turning points – 2nd will be much later in the year.
COBRA: 這是第一個轉折點,第二個會在今年比較晚的時候出現。
ALEXANDRA: I wanted to do a quick update with you, do you have any info you can share with everybody – any juicy intel?
ALEXANDRA: 我想同你做一次快速的信息交流,你是否有能夠同大家分享任何情報信息呢,任何有趣的情報?
COBRA: I’m in a strange situation. I’m receiving lots of juicy intel, but I don’t receive permission to release it ye​​t. I’m told to wait until the time is right. People need a little bit more info , but I’m told that it’s not yet time. First this muddy situation with this info has to settle a little bit. Certain situations have to be resolved then I can release much more. The situation is not yet ready.
COBRA: 我正處於一個較奇怪的處境。我不斷收到大量非常有趣的情報,但我沒有得到公布它們的許可。我被告知靜待時機到來。人們需要更多的信息,但我被告知尚未是時候。第一,當前混亂的情況需要更加安定一些。當某些情況處理完畢後,我才能釋放更多消息,目前形勢尚不允許。
ALEXANDRA: I honor that. No problem. What about the compression and the fact of a lot more archonic stimulation?
ALEXANDRA: 我贊同,沒關系。關於“壓縮突破”的情況如何?是否有更多對執政官刺激的情況發生?
COBRA: OK. Basically there are 2 things happening. First one is a big success in the light forces in the outer layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles (above the earth). The outer layers have been purified intensively. The matrix is​​ disintegrating. The archons are loosing their power completely there. The good part of the story. The other part of the story is those entities are running scared and are entering the inner layers which is between – 0 and 110 feet around the earth. There is a compression in this layer. There has not yet been a breakthrough in this layer. This will have to happen later.
COBRA: 好的,基本上有兩件事在發生。第一件事是光的勢力在距地面向上110英尺至8.6英里的外層空間取得了巨大的成功。外層已經被強力地進行了淨化和清除。矩陣正在瓦解崩潰。在那裡,執政官正完全失去了他們的力量。這是事情中好的一面。另一方面,那些存有現在正很害怕地逃離並且正進入地球內層,在地球表面以上零至110英尺之間。在這一層有一次壓縮。這一層尚未有突破,須要稍晚才會發生。
ALEXANDRA: I do have to tell you that I had this archon grid busted where I live with Kundura. And it was an unbelievable experience. (Very good) Yes, very very good. I highly recommend people do that. You can feel the shift .
ALEXANDRA: 我一定要告訴你,在我所居住的Kundura,我使得執政官網格被摧毀了。那時一次難以置信的體驗。 (COBRA: 非常好。)是的,非常非常棒。我強烈建議人們也那麼做。你會感到變化。
COBRA: Yes, I have released many tools in how to assist in this process. Thank you for blog. We have “Etheric Liberation” group on Facebook. We have healers that will help. I will also release more information on the goddess movement spiritual ___.
COBRA: 是的,我已經發布了很多關於協助這個進程的工具。謝謝你的博客。我們在Facebook上有”乙太解放”小組。我們有療愈師來幫助。我還會發布更多關於女神靈性運動的信息。
ALEXANDRA: I miss you and Isis. I will probably be calling you later to get a quick update from you. bye, have a wonderful day.
ALEXANDRA: 想念你和愛希斯。或許在晚些時候會給你電話,以便得到一個快速的信息溝通。再見,願你有美好的一天。
COBRA: Very good. Bye.
COBRA: 好極了。再見。
翻譯: Patrick Shih


“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。




