Pope Francispushes for one worldreligion as Western elite hits the panicbutton
During hisrecent trip to the MiddleEast, Pope Francis was able to getagreement from Muslim and Jewishauthorities for a unifiedmonotheism but was unable to convince theOrthodox Christians,according to P2 Freemason sources.
As the Popevisited the Middle East,the head of the Italian P2 Freemason lodgewas in the Philippineswhere he tried to cash six bonds, includingthe one picturedhere:
These 15quadrillion dollar bondsare supposed to be backed by “KingSolomon’s tunnel of gold,”according to the P2.
The WhiteDragon Society suggestedto the P2 that they start by bringing justone kilo of gold togenerate cash to bring over more kilos of thismythical gold. TheWDS also suggested the Orthodox Christians mightbe more openminded about unity when the mass murder stops in placeslike Syria,the Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The push fora one world religioncomes as a series of public and privatepronouncements by Westernelites makes it clear that there is panicin the ranks of theNazi/Zionist leadership.
As thisreport was going to press,King Juan Carlos of Spain announced hewas abdicating his throne,thus joining the King of Belgium, theQueen of the Netherlands, andpope maledict in quittingrecently.
Last weekPrince “want to bereincarnated as a killer virus” Charles said: “wecan choose to actnow before it is finally too late, using all ofthe power andinfluence that each of you can bring to bear to createaninclusive, sustainable and resilient society,” he said in aspeechto 200 business leaders, including the IMF’s ChristineLagarde andCEOs of many major multinational corporations. Charlessaid theelite had an 18 month window to act, presumably meaninguntil theend of US president Obama’s term.
Sources atthe Pentagon and the CIAhowever, think that Obama will be impeachedlong before his termends.
The CIA saysthat last week agencywhite hats stopped an Obama plan to use masscasualty terrorattacks in Las Vegas, Texas and Washington DC asan excuse tostart martial law. “Fourteen of those involved onObama’s side(terrorists) were killed very quietly,” a senior CIAsource said. Impeachment proceedings against Obama have now started,hesaid.
Theresignation of Veteran Affairshead Eric Shinseki removed a majorObama ally in the Pentagon andthat “as of this point, there is noevidence Obama has any backingat all,” a senior Pentagon sourcesaid.
It also turnsout, according to aJapanese government source, that Obama was onlyable to scrounge up$9 billion on his recent begging trip toJapan.
Obama thisweek will be visitingEurope this week for a G7 meeting that wasoriginally supposed tohave been a G8 held in Russia. Then it wasdecided to use theUkrainian psy-ops as an excuse to cancel theRussian G8 summit andhave a European G7 summit instead. Now itturns out RussianPresident Vladimir Putin will be invited too, but,technically, notas part of the G8 but to celebrate the 70Thanniversary ofD-day.
The Westernelites have been havinga lot of such urgent meetings recently, andhave more urgentmeetings scheduled, presumably to find a way tostave offrevolution. The Bilderberg meeting held over last weekendinDenmark was thoroughly leaked to the press in what seems to beanattempt by the Bilderbergers to appear more open .
This attemptto appear open because,as an MI5 source put it “The mask isslipping and it is nowbecoming obvious that the political processin Brussels is only afacade to distract the sheeple whilst theComission (Commisariat)leads the bureaucracy in imposing collectivepolicy.”
“Theimportance of the EU projectfor the cabal was to enable Europe tobecome a currency block whichis a big step to facilitating a oneworld electronic creditsystem,” he added.
However,voters in both in the UKand France now overwhelmingly supportparties that oppose thisprocess.
Marine Le Penof France’s victoriousFront National has vowed to take France outof the Euro and breakup EU power.
And here iswhat AmbroseEvans-Pritchard of the Telegraph had to say about thevictory ofthe UK Independence Party in the recentEuropeanelection:
“If Europe’spolicy elites could notquite believe it before, they must now knowbeyond much doubt thatthey have lost Britain. This island is nolonger part of theEuropean project in any meaningfulsense.”
In the UKthere is also now a bigmove to remove the Nazi/Zionist influencecentered around formerPrime Minister Tony Blair, former MI6 headSir John Scarlett andChief Cabinet Secretary Sir JeremeyHeywood.
These peopleare trying theirhardest to suppress from the public the murders andlies they usedto trick the UK into participating in the illegalgenocidal attackon Iraq. They are all linked to George BushSeniors’ Nazi faction.Removing Heywood would probably break the damand allow arrests inthe UK and very damaging information aboutGeorge Bush Jr. and Sr.to come out in the UK media. Both Scarlettand Heywood used to workfor Morgan Stanley, a Bushfront.
The novelistRobert Harris, a friendof Tony Blair’s who knew him before hebecame Prime Minister, saidthat after he got power: “I was stunnedto see this automaton-like,remote figure who seemed to come fromanother planet,” Harrisrecalled.
This was veryinteresting for me toread because I knew both Naoto Kan and ShinzoAbe before theybecame Prime Ministers in Japan and the same thinghappened tothem. They became like robots who were not acting inaccordancewith their own free will but rather by remoteconrtol.
This is M-KUltra, or Mind KontrolUltra, the Nazi mind control technique atwork on world leaders.They are hit with a combination of extremeterror and extremebribes and forced to act according to orders. TheNazi/Zioniststhemselves say they take their orders from an alienentity known asthe “black sun” that “lives in the gamma rays.” Idid not say it,they did.
In any case,the impeding fall ofthe Nazi/Zionists in the UK and the US meansGermany, where supportfor the EU is strongest, will have to look toRussia, instead of toFrance and the UK, if it wants to continue bigEuropean integrationprojects. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel andRussia’s Putin have knowneach other for a long time, speak eachother’s languages and areworking towards some big deal, accordingto WDS sources inRussia.
This isclosely connected to theRussian gas bill deadline to the Ukraine.The Ukraine cannot pay,the IMF has offered to pay but apparentlyhas no money, theAmericans can’t pay so, something has to give. Itcould well bethat Germany will join the Russian/ChineseBRICSalliance .
這緊密聯繫著俄羅斯給烏克蘭的天然氣賬單的最後期限。烏克蘭付不起,國際貨幣基金組織說是要給,但是顯然沒錢,美國人也付不起所以,總得給點什麼吧。那很可能會是德國將會加入俄羅斯人/captive nation人的金磚國家聯盟。
These bigpublic changes in powerand big meetings like Bilderberg, the G7 andothers are accompaniedby lots of activity in the esoteric part ofthe financialsystem.
Last week, inaddition to theVatican bank bonds above and the fake Kennedy bondsmentionedearlier, a group approached the WDS saying, withrefreshinghonesty, that, “we do not have any gold but we do have adollarprinting machines, is there anything we can do with that?” Theapproach came via a South Korean group to a communistChinesegovernment representative in Tokyo.
上週,除了上文提到的梵蒂岡銀行債券和前文提到的偽造肯尼迪債券以外,一個團體接近白龍會,爽快而誠實地說,“我們確實沒有任何黃金但是我們確實有一台美元印鈔機,我們有沒有什麼能夠用它來做的事情嗎?”這次接觸是通過一個韓國團體訪問captive nation共產主義者政府駐東京代表的契機來實現的。
TheSwiss-Indo group also triedagain last week to cash historical bondswhile, like the P2,telling stories of vast hoards of gold, but notoffering anyproof.
EmperorAkihito and Prime MinisterAbe of Japan are also trying to cash bigbonds, according to aDragon family representative.
The Chinese,for their part, havealso made a big move by ordering all theirbanks to remove US madecomputers because they have back doors thatallow US agencies likethe NSA to steal Chinese money.
captive nation人,就他們這一部分來說,同樣也做出了大的行動去命令他們所有的銀行移除美國製造的電腦,因為它們有後門允許美國機構,像美國國家安全局等去偷captive nation人的錢。
The WDS hassuggested that in orderto break the deadlock at the highest ranksof finance, that anentirely new agency, with vast funds at itsdisposal, be created toplan how to create an ideal planet. It willbe run in transparentlyand humanity as a whole will participate indeciding how to use theagency’s money for the greatergood.