Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Their Long Island fortress can not be removed so easily because it is tied to the plasma scalar network which forms the backbone of the Veil, extending to the altitude of up to 8.6 miles above the surface. This is precisely the point where the Chimera and the Archons are joining forces to defend their quarantine Earth.
To really explain what is going on, we will have to deal with very deep occult knowledge that might be beyond science fiction for some people.
Physicists would describe plasma as ionized gas, whereas a skilled occultist would describe plasma as a hidden plane / dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane:

Plasmatic plane between the physical and etheric is the hidden location where the Archons have concealed most of their darkness and it was their utmost secret. Plasmatic plane was created as a result of torsion forces between the physical and etheric as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created and is also called the Abyss. It can be accessed (not recommended!) through hidden portals that can be found inside sephira daath on the kabalistic tree of life:
There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is taking so long.
The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.

There is another plane similar to plasma, but on a much higher octave, between the higher mental (manasic) and the buddhic plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane and separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality. This membrane was created as a result of torsion forces between the mental and buddhic (intuitional) plane as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created. This membrane is the first thing that separated us from the Source when we descended into Creation as sparks of conscoiouness long time ago in galactic history. The density of this membrane will be greatly reduced after the Event when the cosmic anomaly of darkness will be finally cleared.
更高的維度也有一個類似電漿層的空間。較高心智層(瑪那)和菩提層之間有一個名為『菩提-瑪那』的薄膜。這一層薄膜是合一世界和二元世界的疆界。當宇宙誕生的時候,宇宙主要異常將心智層和菩提層(直覺) 扭曲在一起,於是出現了這一層薄膜。很久很久以前,我們從神聖本源中分離,穿過這一層薄膜;接著以意識神聖火花的形態參與銀河系的歷史。未來事件發生,而且宇宙黑暗異常完全消失之後,這層薄膜的密度將會大幅降低。
As Chimera are slowly losing their power, interesting intel leaks are occurring:
Promising new technologies are introduced:
The Eastern Alliance is making significant progress on the financial front to break the dominance of the petrodollar system:
As you probably know, the Ebola scare does not have an impact that the Cabal was hoping for and all their attempts to create a global war are also falling apart.
The Islamic State, a Jesuit creation, is having a lot of attention in the mass media. One purpose of the Archons and their Jesuit puppets in their occult war against the people is to associate the name of Goddess Isis with their dark creation in the minds of the masses. Therefore I would suggest all alternative media stop using the name ISIS for the Islamic State, but rater use ISIL or Islamic State instead. You can also sign this petition:
至於耶穌會的產物-伊斯蘭國最近在大眾媒體上引來不少的關注。執政官和它們的耶穌會傀儡們正在對社會大眾使用祕法心理戰術:他們希望群眾心理會將愛希斯女神聯想到他們創造的流氓組織。我在此建議所有的獨立媒體停止使用ISIS作為伊斯蘭國的英文簡稱,並且改用ISIL或是Islamic State(伊斯蘭國)。大家可以上網簽署這份請願書:
I have been contacted by a group of writers that have had contact with the Indonesian and other eastern Asian Agarthan networks from 2009-2013. That group has suggested that people do not wait passively for the Event and have given many grassroots ideas what can be done:
Another beautiful idea that may make people rethink how to solve their housing situations has appeared:
Victory of the Light is near!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。