Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set and this hinders their spiritual progress, but at the same time accelerates the clearing of the Cabal’s implants and disintegration of the Yaldabaoth octopus plasma accretion vortex.
Many people are aware of the Chimera stations on moons and asteroids inside our Solar System. Here we need to understand that there are only a few hundred moons and a few million asteroids that are suitable to establish physical bases and only a fraction of those actually have Chimera bases present.
The Kuiper belt, on the other hand, is huge and has billions of potential bodies that are suitable to host a base and actually the vast majority of physical Chimera bases are positioned inside the Kuiper belt and form the so-called Kuiper Ring, the outer line of defense which protects the Chimera-controlled territories inside this Solar System against the liberation forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command.
The Kuiper belt is situated mainly in the ecliptic plane just outside Neptune’s orbit. You can see a picture of officially discovered Kuiper belt objects, seen from above. The yellow dot represents the Sun, four red dots gaseous planets of our Solar System and the white and blue dots represent officially known Kuiper belt objects:

If we superimpose a map of the Chimera bases (the Kuiper Ring) on our picture of the Kuiper belt, we get this animation:

Operations to remove the Kuiper Ring of Chimera bases will start very soon. I will report about this as much as it will be strategically wise. Let not the number of those bases discourage you, the plan to remove them is very solid and the situation will be dealt with efficiently.
It is interesting to see that NASA has just recently released its first space probe image of a Kuiper belt object:
Recently there have been many signs in the skies that herald the return of Light, from Andromedan ships in Texas as reported by American Kabuki:
最近天空出現了許多預告聖光回歸地球的徵兆。知名部落客American Kabuki發佈了一張仙女座飛船出現在德州上空的照片:

To beautiful solar arcs in Calgary:

On the surface of the planet, the Eastern Alliance is one step closer towards the Reset as RMD is to be included into SDR basket of currencies:
Finland is the first country on the planet that is seriously considering to give its every citizen an unconditional basic income, no strings attached:
譯註: 芬蘭政府打算取消現在所有的福利,改成每月發放800歐元(約2萬8千元台幣)。中文新聞:
Also, the Eastern Alliance will launch a joint Chinese-Russian news agency to counteract Khazarian control over the Western mass media:
譯註:captive nation和俄羅斯可能會在2016年設置兩國合辦的新聞社和一個名為『黑龍江對話』的新聞論壇。
Chinese sources report that although the Eastern Alliance is quite successful in progressing on a global scale and on federal level in captive nation, there is still a massive amount of Jesuit / Rothschild infiltration and lots of greed and corruption on a local level.
captive nation的內情人士表示:雖然東方聯盟在全世界和captive nation整體方面有相當成功的進展,captive nation內部還是有非常多的耶穌會/羅斯柴爾德的潛伏人員,而且地區性的貪腐問題也相當嚴重。
Archon/Jesuit/Khazarian forces are putting all their efforts into maintaining their entropy machine by suppressing free energy to be able to keep their oil-based economy running, destroying countries (Syria), to be able to seize their oil, suppressing Goddess vortexes to prevent spiritual awakening (Syria again) and by preventing mass awakening by withholding Disclosure.
They fail to understand that their entropy machine obeys the laws of semi-iterative inequations and will be dissolved with mathematical certainty.
Our Event Meditation on November 21st was a huge success and more and more people are joining our Weekly Event Meditation each Sunday. Experience shows that meditation does change the world:
Our Weekly Event Meditation now has its own website:
Beautiful videos have been created for our meditation in many languages.
Translations into other languages are needed. Please send your translations to [email protected] and they will be made into Youtube videos and posted here.
我們需要其他語言的短片。請將您的譯稿寄到[email protected]。我們會有專人製作Youtube影片並且分享到這個部落格。
Victory of the Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。