Recently, a jihadist group entered Iraq from Syria and conquered a significant part of its territory:
Their purpose is to create a totalitarian Islamic state in that territory and they call it Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
That group is a joint creation of the Saudis and the US Cabal (with Jesuits and their Blackwater/Academi friends behind the scenes):
這個團體是沙烏地阿拉伯與美國陰謀集團的共同產物(耶穌會和他們的盟友黑水/ Academi則隱身在幕後運作):
The agenda of the US Cabal is to create a pretext for military invasion and thus prolong the life of the petrodollar:
And for the military-industrial complex to pocket some nice profits:
同時順便讓軍工複合體大發戰爭財 (預估上看數十億美元):
On a deeper level, there is an occult war going on. 4300 years ago, the Annunaki Archon overlords of the Cabal created what is called the Akkadian empire:
The Akkadian empire was an extremely violent and patriarchal society which was created to suppress a very important Goddess energy vortex, created in the same region over 7000 years ago by the Halaf and Hassuna-Samarra cultures:
Now the same Archons, incarnated into Black Nobility families, want to create a dark empire of horror in the exactly same region to suppress that Goddess energy vortex even further.
You can compare the map of the Halaf/Hassuna/Samarra cultures:

With the map of the Akkadian empire:

And with the map of current status of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria:

It is interesting to note that the invasion of ISIS militants began in the city of Samarra, which is in the center of that Goddess vortex and was also the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate. Abbasid dynasty in the 9th century was connected with the secret White Nobility lineages and triggered the Islamic golden age with great progress in science and art:
The Archons are quite skilled occultists. What they do is to take a symbol of Light and use mass media propaganda to entrain people to associate that symbol with darkness, pain and suffering and to suppress Goddess energy. Thus they prevent an enormous amount of Light from flowing into the minds and hearts of people.
They have done so with number 666 (once a sacred number of Goddess Venus, now a symbol of the dark forces in the mind of the masses), with the pentagram (once a sacred symbol of Goddess Venus and now a symbol of black magic for the uneducated masses), with Lucifer (once a symbol of Goddess Venus- Light bearer- morning star, now a symbol of the leader of the dark forces for the unaware), with swastika (once a symbol of spiritual evolution and now associated with Nazism).
You can read a good article about that here:
譯註: 阿拉伯文的jihad原義也不是聖戰,而是奮鬥(struggle)。這種奮鬥分成內外兩種層面。對伊斯蘭教徒而言,對內的奮鬥就是成為更優秀、品德更高尚的阿拉信徒和侍奉者。對外的奮鬥則是抵禦外侮,保護家園。Jihad絕對不是用暴力達成目標的方式,也不可能有神聖的戰爭。
The Archons have deliberately chosen ISIS as the name of the jihadist group and their Islamic state to associate the name of Isis (she is a Goddess of Light) with darkness and horror in the minds of the human masses, especially now after we have partially opened the IS:IS portal and when there is great further potential for Goddess awakening in 2014. Therefore Isis is not a Cabal-friendly Goddess, the Illuminati just try to misuse her beautiful energy for their nefarious purposes. Ironically, the name Illuminati means the enlightened ones, when in reality those people are the furthest away from true spiritual enlightenment.
To clarify the situation, Isis does not support ISIS, Isis wants peace, and peace it will be.
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。